Ohio USAG Committee Information

Ohio USA Gymnastics State Administrative Committee

All of the below positions will be voting positions.

  1. State Championships Competition Chair- This position is responsible for logistics, planning, bidding processes and awarding of State Championships. This position works closely with the State Administrative Committee Chair on annual requirements, handbook updates and all administrative aspects of State Championships.
  2. NAWGJ Liaison- This position will coordinate with the events chair on any technical education ventures in conjunction with NAWGJ Ohio. They will also be responsible for communicating technical (judging) updates with the Ohio USAG membership. The NAWGJ liaison will also be responsible for communicating details and logistics of assignments with the selected judges for State Championships.
  3. Coach Education Coordinator- This position will be responsible for on site and virtual coaching education. They will provide updates to the USAG Ohio membership on education opportunities for coaches and work in conjunction with the Events Coordinator to plan annual events.
  4. Events and Clinic Coordinator- This position will collaborate with the NAWGJ Liaison and Coach Education Coordinator. They will oversee all logistics and registration for Team Ohio hosted events including congresses, coaching clinics and other educational or clinic opportunities.
  5. Communication Coordinator- This position will be responsible for web updates, newsletter communication and posting to social media. They will work closely with the State Administrative Committee Chair as well as all positions to ensure pertinent information is shared with Ohio USAG membership.
  6. Apparel Coordinator- This position will be responsible for State Team apparel, senior awards, and any Ohio USAG merchandise and awards ordering necessary for State Championships or other Team Ohio hosted events.
  7. **NEW** Level Representatives- Level Representatives will be advisory to the committee members regarding the needs of the coaches and athletes at their respective levels. They will be voting members and contribute to discussions on annual updates, State Meet Selection and Judge Selection Processes. Attendance at all meetings is not mandatory, but will be expected for the annual meeting (August) as well as State Judges and State Host Selection Meetings. They will be responsible for sending communication updates to the Communication Coordinator regarding happenings at competitions (for example- fun updates from meets in and out of state, any notable finishes at large invitationals from Ohio athletes, pictures from State and Regional Meets for social media, etc.).

Please note: level representatives should be coaches actively working with and competing athletes at the levels which they represent. When submitting a nomination, please indicate which levels your nominee would represent from the list below:

  • Xcel Bronze-Gold
  • Xcel Platinum-Diamond
  • Level 2-5
  • Level 6-8
  • Level 9/10

State Committee Downloads

September 2023
Annual Meeting Minutes


22-23 Competition Season P&L


September 2022
Annual Meeting Minutes


October, 2021


September, 2021


August, 2021


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